Friday 22 February 2013

The Arabic Alphabet ,Arabic Vowels



The Arabic Alphabet:
ء ا  ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش  ص ض  ط ظ ع غ  ف ق ك ل م ن و ه لا ى
The Arabic Vowels:
Short Vowels:   َ     Fatha (Zabar);    ُ       Dammah (Paish);   ِ    Kasrah (Zair)
 Long Vowels:         ِى         ُو           َا  
Madd:     ىۤ            وۤ          آ     
While reading the Quran a short vowel has the duration of one Haraka (movement), a long vowel is double that duration and Madd should be pronounced 3-4 times longer than a short vowel.
The different ways of writing Hamza:
 ٱ  A Wasla is written like a small Sad on top of alif. Please don't confuse it with Dammah (paish). It indicates that the sound of the Hamza will not be pronounced unless the reading starts from the word whose first letter is Hamza tul Wasl. On the other hand Hamza tul Qat is always pronounced.
     ٱ        ء         أ         إ         ؤ         ئ      
Sukun or Jazma: Indicates absence of a vowel sound.  
Tanween or Nunation:  Noon sound at the end of certain nouns and adjectives is indicated with a double short vowel. Fatha tanween is written with an additional alif as its seat and pronounced as long vowel alif when we pause on the word carrying this tanween. Kasrah and Dammah tanweens are not pronounced when pausing.
  اً  =  اَنْ            ٌ =  اُنْ             ٍ =   اِنْ 
Shadd or Tashdeed: Consonant is doubled.   إِنْنَ =  إِنَّ   .     ّ 
Dagger Alif: Pronounced just like the long vowel alif:  بَا = بٰ  .  جَا = جٰ  
Abbreviated Alif: Ya preceeded by Fatha is pronounced just like the long vowel alif.
   َى   =     َىٰ    =     ىٰ                 
Ta Marbuta:   ة    ﺔ     (ت / ه )    
If it is at the end of a word where you pause in your reading then a Ha sound is pronounced, e.g., Salah in place of salat. It changes to a regular Ta in the middle of a word.
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